Chartered Physiotherapist champions benefits of YMCA Village therapy rooms
Presentation in San Antonio (starts 4:17:30)
Tripti interviewed on Press TV (interview starts at 12:48)
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation May 18-20, 2015 San Antonio, USA
Tripti will be presenting at a conference in the US in May.
Full details of the conference in the United States can be found at
Tripti's abstract page for the conference in the United States can be seen at
Health is Your Wealth interview (page 25)
Meet the medical team at the 2014 Commonwealth Games
Article in the DNCC Magazine (PDF)
Read the 'Tripti Gyan Case Study' on
Read about Tripti on page 7 of 'The Business' magazine
Read Tripti's Experience of Volunteering at the London Olympics 2012